Thursday, June 14, 2007

Our St. Crispen's Day


Today (Thursday) is the showdown battle for the same-sex marriage amendment now being decided in the Statehouse. An urgent plea has gone out from the leaders of that fight, for all available troops to come join them. Many of you are going; some are already there. A number of you physically cannot go. (I'm writing this from Tulsa.)

And some of you have yet not made up your minds. (We New Englanders are notorious for that – not deciding until the last moment.) I’m writing to those who might yet go. While your prayers are obviously needed, this time prayers are not enough. This time, it needs boots on the ground.

Ask God, if He would have you there, to be part of our spiritual St. Crispen’s Day. If He would, then guess who will come up with any number of reasonable reasons for you staying put.

If you hear the trumpet call, and you say, “I'm coming!" , then fast and pray on your way. Because you will not be warring against flesh and blood. This battle is being waged in the heavenlies, against major Principalities & Powers. So pray for grace and courage and protection. And set your heart. Gideon’s soldiers may have been few in number, but they were absolute in their resolve.

+ + +

Keep praying for Alex. The medical news could not be worse. His spiritual outlook could not be better.

And keep praying, too, for Manuel Emilio. He is still not released, and it has now been 38 days.